Mark Your Calendars!
CIBA Winter Seminar
Saturday, March 19, 2022
All day event!
Updates for this seminar will be available on this page, as well as in the following publications:
Iowa Honey Producers Association BUZZ
Central Iowa Beekeepers Association BEELINE
COVID-19 Recommendations
We are recommending that everyone wear a mask, since this meeting will be indoors.
Grimes Community Complex
Grimes, Iowa
Doors open at 8:20 AM
Programs start at 8:45 AM
Registration form and payment must be mailed in - address on the registration form.
Registration deadline: The completed form and payment must be received by Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Plan accordingly!
Pre-registration is required - no ticket sales at the door the day of the seminar.
Registration includes the full program and a gourmet catered lunch from Palmer's Deli in Des Moines. Please see full lunch descriptions on the registration form.
Turnberry box lunch​
The Marshall box lunch
The Cowboy box lunch
Vegetarian box lunch
Drinks and snacks provided during scheduled breaks.
You must be a member of the CIBA organization to get the discounted price.
$40/per person​ if NOT a member of the CIBA organization.
$35/per person if a member of the CIBA organization (paying annual dues).
$20/per person if a student (college or K-12)​​.
CIBA = Central Iowa Beekeeping Association
IHPA = Iowa Honey Producers Association
8:20-8:45 AM Registration
Morning session (Jamie Beyer, CIBA President, morning moderator)
8:45-9:00 AM 15 minute or less welcome period
5-minute welcome and housekeeping (Jamie Beyer)
Short introduction of 2022 CIBA Royalty (Jamie Beyer and Sue Kelly, CIBA Queen Committee Chair)
5-10 minute IHPA beekeeping organization update (Jason Foley, IHPA President)
9:00-9:45 AM Randall Cass
Small Hive Beetles--What you need to know
9:45-10:30 AM Break
10:30-11:15 AM Andrew Joseph
Transitioning into Sideline Scale Beekeeping
11:15-12:15 AM Dr. Carol Fassbinder-Orth
The Science of Bee Decline
12:15-1:00 PM Lunch on site
Afternoon session (2022 CIBA Royalty, afternoon moderator)
1:00-2:00 PM Dr. Tom Seeley (via Zoom)
How a Honey Bee Swarm Moves to its Chosen Home
2:00-2:45 Break
2:45 PM-3:45 PM Dr. Tom Seeley (via Zoom)
Hive Thirst: How Does a Honey Bee Colony Regulate Its Water Collection
3:45 PM Jamie Beyer wrap up and closing remarks
You can choose! The registration form links are below.
OPTION 1: Download the OPTION 1 form below, complete the eform, and:
Print and mail with a check (mailing address is on the form)
OPTION 2: Download the OPTION 2 form below, print, handwrite to complete, and:
Mail in with a check (mailing address is on the form)
One person per registration form please—so we can get the correct lunch choice to you!
Option 1: Fill in the form on your computer, save to your computer or print the completed form
Option 2: Print the form; handwrite to complete the form.
Jamie Beyer
(515) 433-0194​
Jeremiah Kusel​
(515) 447-3203​
Linn Wilbur​
(515) 382-4882​
Dr. Tom Seeley (via Zoom)
Horace White Professor in Biology, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Cornell University. Ithaca, NY

Dr. Seeley is the author of several books on honeybee behavior, including Honeybee Democracy (2010) The Wisdom of the Hive (1995) and his most recent books Following the Wild Bees (2016) and The Lives of Bees (2019). He is an invited speaker across the US and internationally. In 2001 Dr. Seeley received the Humboldt Prize in Biology given to internationally renowned scientists and scholars. His studies emphasize swarm intelligence (the solving of cognitive problems by a group of individuals who pool their knowledge and process it through social interactions) by investigating how bees collectively make decisions.
Dr. Carol Fassbinder-Orth (in person)
Professor of Zoonotic Diseases, Department of Biology
Creighton University, Omaha, NE

Dr. Fassbinder-Orth grew up on a commercial bee farm in northeast Iowa (Fassbinder Apiaries). She received a B.S. in Genetics from Iowa State University in 2003, and a PhD in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008. She has been a faculty member at Creighton University in Omaha, NE since 2008. Carol Is the Director for the Center of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship at Creighton. Carol and her husband Brian own Bountiful Blossoms Bee Company in Glenwood, IA, where they sell over 40 different honey and beeswax products, and Carol uses their 50 colonies for her research projects. Her research focus is on honey bee disease biology, with a specific focus on honey bee viruses. Carol’s 17-year old daughter, Amara, also researches bees, and has devised a machine-learning program that predicts the health state of a colony based on sound collected from the hive. Beekeeping runs in their family!
Randall Cass (in person)
Bee Extension Specialist, Department of Entomology and Extension and Outreach
Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Randall joined Iowa State University in 2017, becoming the institution's first bee extension specialist in over 70 years. In his role he coordinates bee research, manages the university's honey apiary, lectures, and provides outreach to beekeepers, farmers, and landowners. Cass is especially interested in taking an integrated pest management (IPM) approach to controlling honey bee pests and conducting research exploring the effects of landscape on colony health. Prior to coming to Iowa State, he managed rural development programs in Guatemala and El Salvador, working with small farmers and beekeepers. Randall holds a Master of Science from the University of California, Davis and a B.A. from Willamette University.
Andy Joseph (in person)
Iowa State Apiarist, Entomology & Plant Science Bureau
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Management, Ankeny, IA

Andy has been with IDALS as the State Apiarist for 14 years. Andy has a MS in Entomology from the University of Kentucky (UK) in Lexington. Andy’s research at UK focused on bees as pollinators in monoculture – looking at the role of nectar foraging in relation to overall foraging activity and, ultimately, plant pollination. He travels the state working with beekeepers. Andy oversees the Apiary program which is a combination of regulatory certification, beekeeper education efforts, and promotion of the beekeeping industry. Additionally, with his family, he keeps about 200 bee hives in the Des Moines area. Andy is the lead instructor for a well-attended beekeeper class most years in Central Iowa for beginning beeks and serves on the Board of the Iowa Honey Producers Association.