About Us
CIBA is an organization of beekeepers – novice to advanced – and we welcome new members. We are one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in Iowa, promoting honeybees since 1947. One of CIBA’s strengths has been its proximity to Iowa State University and the educators and researchers who work with Iowa beekeepers.
Our mission is two-fold:
To advance the art of beekeeping and honey production, and
To promote close coordination, cooperation and fellowship among members
Meetings are six times per year – the third Saturday of every other month – January, March, May, July, October and November. Speakers cover timely topics of interest to beginning, intermediate and advanced beekeepers. Meetings are held in the greater Des Moines area. Visitors are encouraged to attend the membership meetings.
CIBA publishes a quarterly newsletter, the BEELINE. It contains association business and announcements as well as advice to inform readers of current beekeeping practices. Members have the option to receive their newsletter electronically by email or a printed copy delivered to their mailbox. The President emails a message, called the Newscast, at the beginning of each month that the BEELINE is not published.
Currently, we have over 100 members in our organization. Our membership dues assist to fund education for beekeepers across the state of Iowa. Read more about our membership here.
The organization is governed by a Board of Directors. Five directors are elected to three-year terms and five officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President) serve on the Board.
All committees report to the Board. Membership is on a yearly basis beginning in January. Please see the Membership page for more details.
CIBA By-laws