State Resources
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State Apiarist
Iowa has been fortunate to have its own State Apiarist since 1911. This position, currently held by Andy Joseph, is within the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
Among the responsibilities outlined for the State Apiarist:
Register and inspect apiaries including bees and comb transported over state lines,
Perform diagnostic testing for disease and mite retreatment resistances, and
Public outreach, including lectures and demonstrations about honey production and beekeeping in Iowa.
The State Apiarist office is located on the DMACC campus in Ankeny.
The State Apiarist also oversees several part-time assistants who help with inspections and educate beekeepers about the introduction and spread of apiary diseases and pests. All types of beekeepers – even those with only one colony -- can request a free inspection of their hives.
Contact State Apiarist
State Apiarist Andy Joseph
Phone: 515.326.5765
Iowa Laboratory Facility
2230 South Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Contact Apiary Inspector
Name: Arvin Foell
Phone: 515.330.6716
Extension Bee Specialist
Iowa State University also has an extension specialist devoted to working with Iowa beekeepers, Randall P. Cass. An entomologist, Cass joined Iowa State in 2018 to develop educational materials for beekeepers, including how-to videos and fact sheets, and materials to inform the general public about issues related to honeybees and native Iowa pollinators. Cass also is a member of the Iowa Pollinator Conservation Working Group that is studying ways to protect pollinators in agricultural landscapes.
Contact ISU Extension Bee Specialist
ISU Extension Bee Specialist Randall P. Cass
Phone: 515.294.2507
2011 Advanced Teaching and Research Building
2213 Pammel Drive
Ames IA 50011-1025