Our Honey Queen / Ambassador Program
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Meet the CIBA Royalty!
Are you perhaps looking to read more about CIBA's 2023 royalty, our Honey Queen, Bethany Kelly? Read more about this passionate, bee-loving young person here.

The American Honey Queen Program is a local, state, and national program which annually selects young women to become the spokespeople for the beekeeping industry in the United States. The national program is facilitated through the American Beekeeping Federation and involves a competition, the winner of which travels around the United States promoting the beekeeping industry and educating the public about bees and honey.
CIBA continues a local time-honored tradition in providing youth prospects to participate in our local program. We have developed our program to be a stepping-stone to participate and compete at the state level, and national level, if so desired by our honey queen. Our program provides opportunities for either a honey queen or a honey ambassador to gain many skills, including presentation, public relations and leadership skills during her or his year of reign. This program is open to both young women and men to participate as either a honey queen or a honey ambassador. The honey ambassador is a distinction from the American Honey Queen program, as honey ambassadors are not a part of that program.
Learn more about the history and the program using the links below, or continue on to read about the CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador Program Guidelines!
CIBA Honey Queen and Ambassador Program Guidelines
The Central Iowa Beekeepers Association's Honey Queen's/Ambassador's role is to represent the Central Iowa Beekeepers Association (CIBA) and beekeeping She or he is the public image of CIBA. The Queen's/Ambassador's responsibilities include (but are not limited to) promoting and educating the public about CIBA, beekeeping, the value of honey bees, honey, beeswax, and other products of the hive.
Who Is Eligible to Become Honey Queen/Ambassador?
Any young woman or young man who wishes to be Honey Queen or Honey Ambassador must be at least 16 years old and no older than 20 by January 1st of the year she/he will be Queen/Ambassador. All Honey Queen/Ambassador candidates must send their completed application via email or U.S.P.S. to the royalty chairperson by December 1st. The Honey Queen/Ambassador will be chosen by the Queen Committee.
Selection Guidelines
The candidate must be present at the November CIBA Meeting where the Honey Queen/Ambassador candidates will formally introduce themselves to the membership. Special exemptions may be given at the Queen Committee's discretion.
Modest business casual attire that follow the Honey Queen/Ambassador Clothing Requirements must be worn by all candidates at the November Meeting.
Candidates will be interviewed by the Queen Committee prior to the January CIBA meeting.
Candidates will be told who is chosen to be the Honey Queen/Ambassador prior to the January CIBA meeting.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador must be present at the January CIBA meeting. Special exemptions may be given at the Queen Committee's discretion.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador will be crowned at the January CIBA meeting.
CIBA will have either Honey Queen or a Honey Ambassador.
CIBA can only chose a Honey Queen/Ambassador from eligible candidates, but may choose not to have a Honey Queen/Ambassador even if there is an eligible candidate if they find that the candidate does not meet the qualifications.
Selection Criteria
The Honey Queen/Ambassador will be chosen based on:
her/his past participation in CIBA.
her/his involvement in beekeeping.
the support of her or his parents.
her/his good standing at school.
available time to fulfill the role.
Duties of the CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador
The CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador is expected to attend all CIBA meetings. She/he will give an update on her/his CIBA or other beekeeping related activities at the meeting and help as needed at the meeting. If the Honey Queen/Ambassador is unable to attend any meeting she or he must let the Queen/Ambassador committee chair and president of CIBA know in advance.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is expected to attend CIBA's annual auction on the second to last Saturday in April and help with the Queen /Ambassador Café.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is required to write a one to three paragraph entry in every Beeline. (4 times a year, due one month before publication)
The Queen/Ambassador shall be prompt in returning correspondence.
The CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador is expected to pursue some way of promoting honey bees, honey and beeswax, pollination, and beekeeping (e.g. giving presentations at libraries, pursuing legislation that would benefit honey bees, educating the public on what pesticides do to honey bees, etc.) outside of CIBA meetings. She/he will give a minimum of 6 community presentations through the year.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is to make a record of their year to share at the January meeting the year after they were crowned.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is encouraged to attend the Bee Day at the Iowa State Capitol.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is required to volunteer at the IHPA State Fair booth for at least 2 shifts on 2 different days during the Iowa State Fair and is required to give one presentation at the State Fair for IHPA.
Honey Queen/Ambassador Etiquette
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is expected to always be professional and act in a manner that properly represents CIBA.
The Queen Committee will discuss and take proper action against any behavior that they consider to be in violation of these rules.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is not allowed to promote their own beekeeping business while representing CIBA.
Smoking and/or drinking alcoholic beverages in public situations while representing CIBA is not allowed and could lead to the Honey Queen/Ambassador title being taken away.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador should not be on their cell phone or other electronic device while representing CIBA, with or without sash and crown. Exceptions are made for using phone to take pictures at an event or to share information with someone at the event. If she/he needs to use their phone to make call or send a text, it needs to be done discreetly, away from others.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador must keep a professional appearance on all social media platforms. Facebook is the main social media that Honey Queen/Ambassador should use. These rules apply to all social media.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador will be an administrator to the CIBA Queen Facebook Page along with at least one member of the Queen/Ambassador Committee. She should keep the Facebook page active with new information, posting at least once per month, with a goal of once a week.
Any picture the Honey Queen/Ambassador posts on the CIBA Queen/Ambassador Page must follow the outlined Clothing Requirements. The Queen Committee member who is an administrator of the CIBA Queen Page can take down any inappropriate pictures without the Honey Queen/Ambassador's knowledge.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador is not allowed to promote their own beekeeping business on the CIBA Queen Page.
Honey Queen/Ambassador Attire Requirements
The CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador must dress professionally, modestly, and neatly whenever representing CIBA. These requirements apply even when the Honey Queen/Ambassador is not wearing any identifying accessories (e.g. crown and sash).
The Honey Queen/Ambassador and any Honey Queen/Ambassador candidates should wear business casual attire, not including jeans, when representing CIBA. This includes CIBA meetings, public events and other beekeeping activities. Examples of business casual wear for Honey Queen are a maxi dress, a dress that falls no shorter than the top of the knees, lose fitting dress slack with coordinating shirt, etc. Examples of business casual wear for the Honey Ambassador are dress slacks with an appropriate top; button down shirt and a tie (tie being optional), a sweater, or a polo shirt, etc.
If a hive inspection is involved and the Honey Queen/Ambassador will be going into the hive, the Honey Queen/Ambassador can wear loose fitting jeans with a modest top (beekeeping related t-shirt is a good choice).
Shoes should be appropriate for the occasion, typically flats or low heels for the Queen and dress shoes (no sneakers) for the Ambassador.
Body piercings except ear piercings and potentially offensive tattoos must be covered.
A member of the Queen Committee will inform the Honey Queen/Ambassador when she or he is not dressed in compliance to the Honey Queen/Ambassador Clothing Requirements.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador or such candidate should ask a member of the Queen Committee to clarify any of the above rules if needed.
The Queen Committee will discuss and take proper action against any behavior that they consider to be in violation of these rules.
Expectations of CIBA to the Honey Queen/Ambassador
CIBA will support the Honey Queen/Ambassador by paying mileage of half of the current Federal business rate for any events where the queen/ambassador represent CIBA, including meetings, presentations, special events, and other opportunities. The maximum reimbursement for mileage is $25 per day and $300 per year. In 2020 the reimbursement rate is $.28/mile.
CIBA will provide a budget of $100 for the Honey Queen/Ambassador to buy materials for presentations. Materials may include picture books to read to children at presentations, craft materials for presentation, wax sheets and wicks to make rolled candles, and honey sticks and honey candy to give away, etc. Before purchasing, please consult the queen chair. All materials must be returned to CIBA at the end of the term.
The Honey Queen/Ambassador must pay to replace any of CIBA's teaching materials she or he does not return to CIBA.
CIBA will pay for the Honey Queen/Ambassador to attend the IHPA Field Day and Annual Conference if the Honey Queen/Ambassador chooses to attend either or both events.
The queen committee and/or past queens will help the Queen/Ambassador develop programs and presentations as needed.
CIBA will provide a crown, a sash (vest for the Ambassador), and 2 name tags for the Queen/Ambassador to wear while representing CIBA. The Queen/Ambassador will get to keep these upon a successful completion of their year.
This document was developed by assessing the needs of CIBA and reading The American Honey Queen Guidelines. The guidelines can be found at ABF Honey Queen Program Guidelines.
Program Chair Contact
For further information about the CIBA Honey Queen/Ambassador program, please contact the Queen Committee chair, Keri Kenoyer via email.
Email: cibaroyalty@gmail.com