Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
CIBA Membership
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What Do I Get?
Engagement, Fellowship and Growth Through Club Meetings
Programs and speakers that provide education and advance the art of beekeeping
Opportunities for fellowship with people that share your same interests
Networking with established hobbyist and commercial beekeepers
Stay well-informed with federal, state and local statutes and legislation
Stay up-to-date with Iowa Honey Producer Association happenings
Field day provides hand's on experience
BEELINE Newsletter
Keeps club members up-to-date with club happenings
News from our state apiarist, Andy Joseph
Provides educational and informative articles
FAQ's from a 30+ year beekeeping veteran
Special Edition for new beekeepers in January each year
Yearly membership directory - get to know the beekeepers in your area
Opportunity to advertise beekeeping equipment for sale or buying needs with readers that will truly appreciate your treasures or can really help you with your beekeeping equipment needs!! See CIBAlist page for more details.
Programs that promote the beekeeping industry
Speakers that specialize in bee/beekeeping research; noted authors of beekeeping 'how'to's'
Opportunity to engage with beekeepers across the state of Iowa
And There's More!
Club promotes mentoring for new beekeepers
Months when a BEELINE is not published, our president sends out a CIBA Newscast via email.
Yearly beekeeping equipment auction
Honey Queen / Ambassador program​
Organizational website providing resources for our club members
Bee Bits, beekeeping tips and tricks, sent by our President, Jamie Beyer, via email mid-month.
Join Today!
Basic Membership Information
Membership dues run on a yearly calendar schedule of January 1st through December 31st.
Dues are payable at the beginning of each new calendar year.
Dues are based on a single or family membership:​
$15 for a single membership​, emailed notifications
$20 for a single membership, USPS mailed and emailed notifications
$20 for a family membership, emailed notifications
$25 for a family membership, USPS mailed and emailed notifications
If submitting payment with a check, make checks payable to CIBA.
The form has more information on choosing electronic delivery or USPS delivery of the newsletter. While we encourage electronic delivery because it not only saves the club money, but also environmentally sustainable, you need to make a delivery option that serves your needs.​
The form provides information regarding an annual membership directory - please ensure to complete that section of the form.
Membership Form
You can choose! The membership form links are below.
OPTION 1: Download the OPTION 1 form below, complete the eform, and either:
Print and mail with a check (mailing address is on the form), or
Email the completed eform to ciba.mbsp@gmail.com (avoids printing) and send your payment using one of the Paypal buttons below (dependent on your membership type selection), under the section PAY FOR CIBA MEMBERSHIP DUES THROUGH PAYPAL.
OPTION 2: Download the OPTION 2 form below, print, handwrite to complete, and either:
Mail in with a check (mailing address is on the form) , or
Mail in the completed form and pay through one of the Paypal options below (dependent on your membership type selection), under the section PAY FOR CIBA MEMBERSHIP DUES THROUGH PAYPAL.
OPTION 1: Fill in the form on your computer; save on your computer or print the completed form.
OPTION 2. Print the form; handwrite to complete the form.
Our Treasurer needs to know if your membership information is still accurate. Your membership will be pended until we receive notification from you.
You can relay this information 3 different ways:
Send an email providing information to Cindy Spiker, Membership Secretary, at ciba.mbsp@gmail.com
You can copy and paste the needed information in bullet #3 below, and send via email. ​
Send back the updated form you received via USPS with changes provided
Copy and paste the following into the PAYPAL commentary field, and provide the necessary information - if nothing has changed, state NO UPDATE:
Personal Information update:
# of urban colonies:
# of rural colonies:
# of beeyards:
How many years in beekeeping
Can we include you in our annual MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY (YES/NO)?: