Lessons from John Johnson
John Johnson (1931-2020) was an educator by training and was passionate about beekeeping. He mentored many, many beekeepers throughout Iowa and was an active member of the Central Iowa Beekeepers Association and Iowa Honey Producers Association, having served both organizations as president.
He taught beekeeping classes, met with many new beekeepers, and was always available to answer questions. On this page are a list of linked articles he wrote for new beekeepers, which have been published from time to time in the BEELINE.
John (in cap) often met his students at their hives to show them the ropes. This group met in Ames.!

John has influenced and impacted many beekeepers over his life, and we have tributes from two of his mentees to share:
A Good Beekeeper and More - Curt Bronnenberg, CIBA member
Read here. ​
Meet a Mentor Extraordinaire - Laura Miller, CIBA member
Read here. ​​
We also have more information relative to John here.
Here’s John and his granddaughter, Jessica, standing beside two “boomer” hives he had one season years ago.

John's Articles
This picture is John and his wife, Elaine, during a CIBA celebration of John's years of service to the beekeeping community during his lifetime.