2021 Iowa State Fair Apiary Zoom meeting
How-to for apiary exhibition entries and presentation information
Saturday, May 29, 2021, 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Andy Joseph, Iowa State Fair Apiary Superintendent and Iowa State Apiarist, IDALS
Ginny Mitchell, 2021 Iowa State Fair Apiary Judge and ISU Department of Entomology
Roy Kraft, President, Iowa Honey Producer Association
On May 29, you can enjoy an evening on Zoom with Ginny Mitchell, who will judge apiary entries at the Iowa State Fair this year. She will share with us the kinds of things she is looking for and offer her tips and tricks for preparing perfect apiary entries.
Ginny is a knowledgeable beekeeper, entomologist and lover of all-things-BEE. She coordinates the Iowa State University Insect Zoo, sharing her knowledge of insects to people of all ages throughout the state. We’ve been very lucky to have Ginny as our State Fair apiary contest judge for several years now. This is a big job, and one that requires her unique skill set and her passion for poring over the details of each and every exhibit.
If you have ever wondered what in the world a judge looks for in an observation hive, how to get that blue ribbon for your honey, beeswax art, or a photo class, or if you’ve ever had an idea for assembling one of those awesome window display cases, but didn’t know how to start … this is your chance. Ginny will show us how she judges each class of entry, item by item.
Or even
Just learn more about the Iowa State Fair Apiary Booth so you can more fully enjoy looking at all the entrants items or even just think about what you need to do to enter in years to come.
Roy Kraft, president of the Iowa Honey Producers Association (IHPA) and a dedicated fair exhibitor, will talk about volunteering at the IHPA booth in the Agriculture Building at the fair, which is always a great time.
Andy Joseph will briefly discuss the “superintendenty” nuts and bolts of obtaining your entry tags, delivering exhibits prior to the fair, and earning points, ribbons and awards. And I’ll try to answer any other questions you may have.
Zoom with Iowa State Fair Apiary Judge, Ginny Mitchell, plus co-hosts Iowa State Fair Apiary Superintendent, Andy Joseph and IHPA President, Roy Kraft
Saturday, May 29th from 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Please log into Zoom by 6:20 p.m.
To join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 876 1424 8250
Passcode: Apiary
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If any questions, please contact Andy Joseph at:
(515) 326-5765